SlimLine Raspberry use LogicLab

LogicLab is an IEC 61131-3 development environment, the most common standard for programming industrial controllers, designed to meet the needs and adapt to the skills of those who develop industrial applications. To use LogicLab on our products, download the latest version for free from our website (Link). The version distributed by us allows the development of applications on all our products, it will be enough in defining the project to define the system for which it will be developed.

LogicLab connects via TCP / IP to run time on SlimLine, below we see how to activate the run time and how using LogicLab it is possible to write, execute and debug a PLC program.

execution run time LogicLab

Il run time LogicLab is pre-installed in the folder /opt/elsist/logiclab in the folder /data/elsist/logiclab the configuration files are found and the program developed by the user will be transferred. LogicLab works without limitations for a 30 minutes trial time, to unblock it you need to purchase the license (See page), at the bottom of the page you will find the information to request it.

By default the run time it is not running, to run it in interactive mode, from SSH access go to the program folder with the command cd /opt/elsist/logiclab, and run it with the command sudo ./LLExec -wp / data /elsist/ LogicLab, defining to follow the option -h all possible execution options are displayed. During the execution, all the status information useful for identifying any problems was returned.

To run the run time as a service, from SSH access use command sudo /etc/init.d/LLExecDaemon start, to stop the execution use command sudo /etc/init.d/LLExecDaemon stop.

In practical use it is recommended to set the automatic execution of the run time in order to allow the switching on of the system, the automatic start of the program developed with LogicLab.

To set automatic execution sudo update-rc.d LLExecDaemon defaults followed by sudo reboot.
To eliminate automatic execution sudo update-rc.d -f LLExecDaemon remove followed by sudo reboot.

LLXPlugin_eS8CoreMng plug-in

We have developed a LogicLab run-time plug-in so it can run on systems SlimLine Raspberry the same programs developed on all other systems, through the file all objects defined by the library are available eLLabXUnified12Lib.

If you want to update the plug-in, you need to stop running the run time with the command sudo /etc/init.d/LLExecDaemon stop. at this point you can transfer the new plug-in, I recommend transferring it via FTP to the folder /tmp and then transfer it to the destination folder with the command sudo cp /tmp/ /opt/elsist/logiclab. Once the transfer is complete, it is possible to restart run-time execution with the command sudo /etc/init.d/LLExecDaemon start.

Creation of a new project

To create a new project from the menu File choose New project, select as system SlimLine Mps055 XUnified 1.0 and tick the box Case sensitive.

By default a project is created that has only the POU (Program organization unit) program "main"written in ST language. The program is inserted in the Slow Task and executed cyclically every 10 mS. As you can see from the screenshot in the program there are already the instructions to perform the increment of a counter variable. Even if it is not here the place where to explain the programming, let's briefly see what is done. The global variable is declared cnt of type INT (integer with sign to 16 bits) and in the body of the program the variable is incremented at each execution loop.

Program execution on SlimLine

To run the program on SlimLine you need to connect to the system and transfer it, the connection is via Ethernet, you need to make sure that the device is in the same network as the PC. From the menu On-line select Set up communication, choose the protocol GDB and set the correct parameters (System IP address SlimLine, 5000 port 1000 timeout).

Connect activate communication, Download code forces the compilation of the program and transfers it to the system. The program will immediately run, by opening the watch window it is possible with the mouse to drag the variable inside the window cnt and check the increase. Acting on the button Live debug mode next to the variables the relative value will be reported in real time.

License request

As reported on run time LogicLab can be used in demo mode for 30 minutes, if you wish to purchase the license you must indicate theHardware ID which can be viewed from the window Resources creating a new project with the development IDE connected to run time running on the form. We remind you that all license codes purchased are listed in This Page.

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