System date / time management functions


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In Unix-like operating systems, time is represented as an offset in seconds from midnight (UTC) on January 1, 1970 (called the epoch). This type of representation, in addition to being compact, is independent of time zones, and is therefore directly comparable even between systems located in different geographical positions.

Note: The functions operate on Date / Time values ​​with a high range but it is necessary to refer to the real time clock present on the system for the supported value.

SysDateGetS, get the system date on second

This function returns the system date in UTC expressed in seconds on a 32-bit variable. The range managed is from 00:00:00 on January 1st 1970 to 06:28:15 on February 7th 2106.

information circle


CODESYS: Not available

LogicLab: eLLabXUnified12Lib


The function returns a variable (UDINT) with the system date in UTC.

Image F_SysDateGetS

SysDateGetNs, get the system date on ns

This function returns the system date in UTC expressed in ns on a 64-bit variable. The managed range is from 00:00:00 on 1st January 1970 to 23:34: 33.709 on 21st July 2554.

information circle


CODESYS: Not available

LogicLab: eLLabXUnified12Lib


The function returns a variable (ULINT) with system date in UTC.

Image F_SysDateGetNs

SysDateSetS, set the system date on second

This function sets the system date in UTC expressed in seconds on a 32-bit variable. The range managed is from 00:00:00 on January 1st 1970 to 06:28:15 on February 7th 2106.

Replaces "SysSetUTCDateTime"

Replaces the function SysSetUTCDateTime whose use is deprecated.

information circle


CODESYS: Not available

LogicLab: eLLabXUnified12Lib


UTCDateTime (UDINT) System date value in UTC expressed in seconds.

The function returns a variable (BOOL) FALSE: Execution error, TRUE: Ok execution.

Image F_SysDateSetS


How to use the examples.
In the following example, the value returned by the function is saved in a variable.

LogicLab (Ptp116, ST_DateTimeFunctions)
PROGRAM ST_DateTimeFunctions
    i : UDINT; (* Auxiliary variable *)
    DTime : DATE_AND_TIME; (* Date/Time *)
    LDTime : LDATE_AND_TIME; (* Date/Time *)
    LDTS : ARRAY[0..1] OF LDATETIMESTRUCT; (* Long Date/Time struct *)

// *****************************************************************************
// PROGRAM "ST_DateTimeFunctions"
// *****************************************************************************
// Use of date functions.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // The "SysDateGetS" function returns a value in the range
    // From 1970-01-01-00:00:00 to 2106-02-07-06:28:15

    // After conversion in DATE_AND_TIME the range will be
    // From 1970-01-01-00:00:00 to 2038-01-19-03:14:07

    i:=SPLIT_DT(TO_DATE_AND_TIME(SysDateGetS()), ADR(LDTS[0].Year), ADR(LDTS[0].Month), ADR(LDTS[0].Day), ADR(LDTS[0].Hours), ADR(LDTS[0].Minutes), ADR(LDTS[0].Seconds));

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // The "SysDateGetNs" function returns a value in the range
    // From 1970-01-01-00:00:00 to 2554-07-21-03:23:34:33.709

    // After conversion in LDATE_AND_TIME the range will be
    // From 1970-01-01-00:00:00 to 2262-04-11-23:47:16.854

    i:=SPLIT_LDT(TO_LDATE_AND_TIME(SysDateGetNs()), ADR(LDTS[1].Year), ADR(LDTS[1].Month), ADR(LDTS[1].Day), ADR(LDTS[1].Hours), ADR(LDTS[1].Minutes), ADR(LDTS[1].Seconds), ADR(LDTS[1].Milliseconds), ADR(LDTS[1].Microseconds), ADR(LDTS[1].Nanoseconds));

// [End of file]
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