LogicLab transition from XTarget to XUnified


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To improve the scalability of the systems, a unified library has been created for all systems, for those used to programming in an environment LogicLab, is familiar with the term XTarget, the level of XTarget indicates the evolution of the system. A program developed for some system with some XTarget it is certainly executable on all systems with the same or higher level. This setting forced to update LogicLab at every firmware update of the systems that foresees the upgrade of the version XTarget.

To enable LogicLab to automatically adapt to new firmware versions we have made XUnified which is no longer followed by a version number because it can be used on all firmware versions. The diversification with the various firmware versions of the systems is implemented by the library eLLabXUnifiedxxLib where xx indicates the level of supported objects. The compatibility between the level of the library and the firmware version of the systems is shown in the table Compatibility with firmwares.

With the transition to XUnified modifications have been made to some objects (see table Modified library objects) and the libraries have been reorganized by making the changes to adapt them to the new architecture (See table Library versions).

Project migration from XUnified to XTarget

To convert a project XUnified in a project XTarget, the project must be opened with LogicLab, from the menu Project - Library manager remove the eLLabXUnifiedxxLib library from the project and insert the eLLabXTargetAdjLib library. From the menu Project - Select target select the device XTarget, the project can now be recompiled.

All the examples in the manual are made according to the XUnified specifications so if you want to use them in an XTarget program you need from the menu Project - Library manager insert the library eLLabXTargetAdjLib.

Project migration from XTarget to XUnified

To convert a project XTarget in a project XUnified, the project must be opened with LogicLab, from the menu Project - Select target select the device XUnified, in this way the library will be connected to the project eLLabXUnifiedxxLib and the project can be recompiled. Since changes have been made to some objects in the XUnified library, recompiling the project will result in errors. To eliminate them you need to correct the errors manually by modifying the source code, in this way you will have a program aligned with the new library.

If you do not want to modify the source program, just from the menu Project - Library manager insert the library in the project eLLabXUnifiedAdjLib which contains the adaptation of objects to the new library.

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