Function and function block protection


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Although many of the libraries are free, there are some paid objects and / or libraries, the paid items can be freely used for a test period (usually 30 minutes) after the system is turned on. To be able to use them on an ongoing basis, you need to purchase an activation key (18 alphabetic character string) which must be entered in the project with the function SysPCodeVerify or alternatively it should be defined by web page.

The function cannot be used for the CPU Program Code Extension Activation Key SysPCodeVerify, the key must be entered from the web page.

Activation with SysPCodeVerify function

It is possible to perform the function SysPCodeVerify passing the activation key as an argument. The function must be performed only once for each activation key, if the key is correct the function returns TRUE and the object will be unprotected. You need to make multiple function calls, one for each object to be unprotected.

The advice is to insert the function calls in a program executed in the task Boat before executing other programs, thus ensuring the unblocking of objects.

LogicLab SysPCodeVerify screenshot

Activation from web page

As an alternative to the function SysPCodeVerify by accessing the web page of the device in the menu user info up to 4 activation keys can be defined.

Activate the objects on each system from the web page as an alternative to using the function SysPCodeVerify, allows you to transfer the same program to different systems.

Screenshot of the user information web page

Code extension

The protection key can also be used to extend the size of the user program code. To activate the extension you need to define the key in one of the boxes Protection Codes of the web page as seen above, save with Save, then turn the device off and on again.

Now connecting with LogicLab to the device, from the menu Project, execute the command Refresh current target, now recompiling the project we will see that the size of the available code has increased.

Screenshot LogicLab refresh target
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