Sysmemmove, memory move


This page is part of the IEC 61131-3 Programming Manual. Go to the index.

This function copies the memory area defined in Src in the memory area defined in Dest for the size defined in Size. The two memory areas may also overlap.

The function guarantees the atomicity of the transfer, therefore the memory area defined in Dest it always has a consistent value even if written by one task and used by another task. It must be used to pass variables larger than 4 bytes a for strings from one task to another task with higher execution priority.

information circle


CODESYS: eCDSXUnified12Lib

LogicLab: eLLabXUnified12Lib


Dest (PVOID) Address of the destination memory area.
Src (PVOID) Address of the source memory area.
Size (UDINT) Size of the memory area to be transferred.

The function returns a variable (PVOID) with the address of the destination memory area. In the event of an error, e is returnedNULL.

Sysmemmove function image


How to use the examples.
Setting the variable from debug CMove, the memory Source will be transferred to Destination.

LogicLab (Ptp116)
PROGRAM ST_Sysmemmove
    i : UDINT; (* Auxiliary variable *)
    CMove : BOOL; (* Move command *)
    Source : ARRAY[ 0..15 ] OF BYTE; (* Source memory *)
    Destination : STRING[ 32 ]; (* Destination memory *)

// *****************************************************************************
// PROGRAM "ST_Sysmemmove"
// *****************************************************************************
// By setting the "Move" command the memory is moved
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    IF (CMove) THEN
        CMove:=FALSE; //Move command
        i:=Sysmemmove(ADR(Destination), ADR(Source), SIZEOF(Source));

// [End of file]
CODESYS (Ptp161)
PROGRAM ST_Sysmemmove
    i : UDINT; //Auxiliary variable
    CMove : BOOL; //Move command
    Source : ARRAY[ 0..15 ] OF BYTE; //Source memory
    Destination : STRING[ 32 ]; //Destination memory

// *****************************************************************************
// PROGRAM "ST_Sysmemmove"
// *****************************************************************************
// By setting the "Move" command the memory is moved
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    IF (CMove ) THEN
        CMove :=FALSE; //Move command
        i:=Sysmemmove(ADR(Destination), ADR(Source), SIZEOF(Source));

// [End of file]
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