TCPDEXCHNODEDEFS, structure definition of node parameters


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This structure used by the function blocks that perform data exchange (TCPDataExchServer, TCPDataExchClient). In addition to the information on the nodes, the data buffers in exchange between the systems are also defined in the structure. The fields RW the fields must be set by the user program R they must not be modified by the user program, they can only be read.

information circle


CODESYS: Not available

LogicLab: eLLabDataExchLib

NodeIDUSINTRWNode ID. System node number, used to verify data matching.
AutoTxDBOOLRWAuto Tx data. If activated, in the event of a change, the automatic sending of the TXBuffer to the other system is forced.
TxDataBOOLRWTx data send. By setting it from the user program, the sending of the TxBuffer to the other system is forced. The command remains active until the transmission has taken place and is then automatically reset.
ActiveBOOLRData exchange active. Active if data exchange on the node is active.
RxOkBOOLRRx data Ok. Set to receive data from the other system, the data has been transferred to RxBuffer. It stays active for a program loop.
TxHeartbeatUSINTRWTime in seconds to send heartbeat frames. Each defined time a data frame is sent to the other system.
RxHeartbeatUSINTRTime in seconds of receiving heartbeat frames, the value ofTxHeartbeat sent by the other system is received. Each defined time a data frame must be received by the other system.
RxBufferPVOIDRWRx buffer address. Allocation address of the data buffer received from the other system.
RxLengthUDINTRWRx buffer length. Size of the data buffer received from the other system. Must match TxLength defined on the other system.
TxBufferPVOIDRWTx buffer address. Allocation address of the data buffer to be sent to the other system.
TxLengthUDINTRWTx buffer length. Size of the data buffer to send to the other system. Must match RxLength defined on the other system.
RxPacketsUDINTRRx packets. Counter data packets received by the other system.
TxPacketsUDINTRTx packets. Counter data packets sent to the other system.
TxTimeREALRTime in seconds required to send data to the other system.
CErrorsUDINTRCommunication errors. Counter communication errors with the other system.
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