AI_MODE, definizione modo acquisizione ingressi analogici


Questa pagina fa parte del Manuale Programmazione IEC 61131-3. Vai all indice.

Definizione modo di acquisizione ingressi analogici. Per ogni modo viene indicato se è supportato dai diversi moduli di acquisizione analogica.

Information Circle


CODESYS: eCDSXUnified12Lib

LogicLab: eLLabXUnified12Lib

AD_IDLEIdle mode
AD_CURR_0_20_COMMONCurrent from 0 to 20 mA (Common mode)
AD_CURR_0_20_DIFFERCurrent from 0 to 20 mA (Differential mode)
AD_CURR_4_20_COMMONCurrent from 4 to 20 mA (Common mode)
AD_CURR_4_20_DIFFERCurrent from 4 to 20 mA (Differential mode)
AD_NI1000_DIFFERNi1000 sensor Celsius degree (Differential mode)
AD_NI1000_DIN_43760Ni1000 DIN_43760 standard Celsius degree
AD_PT100_AMERICANPt100 American standard Celsius degree
AD_PT100_DIFFERPt100 sensor Celsius degree (Differential mode)
AD_PT100_DIN_43760Pt100 DIN_43760 standard Celsius degree
AD_PT100_IEC_60751Pt100 IEC-60751 standard Celsius degree
AD_PT100_ITS_90Pt100 ITS-90 standard Celsius degree
AD_PT1000_AMERICANPt1000 American standard Celsius degree
AD_PT1000_DIFFERPt1000 sensor Celsius degree (Differential mode)
AD_PT1000_DIN_43760Pt1000 DIN_43760 standard Celsius degree
AD_PT1000_IEC_60751Pt1000 IEC-60751 standard Celsius degree
AD_PT1000_ITS_90Pt1000 ITS-90 standard Celsius degree
AD_RESISTOR_300_OHMResistor up to 300 Ohm
AD_RESISTOR_5000_OHMResistor up to 5000 Ohm
AD_THERMOCOUPLE_BThermocouple B type Celsius degree
AD_THERMOCOUPLE_EThermocouple E type Celsius degree
AD_THERMOCOUPLE_JThermocouple J type Celsius degree
AD_THERMOCOUPLE_KThermocouple K type Celsius degree
AD_THERMOCOUPLE_NThermocouple N type Celsius degree
AD_THERMOCOUPLE_RThermocouple R type Celsius degree
AD_THERMOCOUPLE_SThermocouple S type Celsius degree
AD_THERMOCOUPLE_TThermocouple T type Celsius degree
AD_VIN_VREF_G_1Voltage In/Voltage reference with gain 1 (1)
AD_VIN_VREF_G_128Voltage In/Voltage reference with gain 128 (1)
AD_VIN_VREF_G_16Voltage In/Voltage reference with gain 16 (1)
AD_VIN_VREF_G_2Voltage In/Voltage reference with gain 2 (1)
AD_VIN_VREF_G_32Voltage In/Voltage referencewith gain 32 (1)
AD_VIN_VREF_G_4Voltage In/Voltage referencewith gain 4 (1)
AD_VIN_VREF_G_64Voltage In/Voltage referencewith gain 64 (1)
AD_VIN_VREF_G_8Voltage In/Voltage referencewith gain 8 (1)
AD_VOLT_0_1_COMMONVoltage from 0 to 1 V(Common mode)
AD_VOLT_0_1_DIFFERVoltage from 0 to 1 V(Differential mode)
AD_VOLT_0_10_COMMONVoltage from 0 to 10 V(Common mode)
AD_VOLT_0_10_DIFFERVoltage from 0 to 10 V(Differential mode)
AD_VOLT_0_125_COMMONVoltage from 0 to 1.25 V(Common mode)
AD_VOLT_0_125_DIFFERVoltage from 0 to 1.25 V(Differential mode)

(Note 1) In this mode the Ai03 cannot be used, it’s used as a VRef for all the channels on which the gain mode is set.

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