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Utilizzo motion CODESYS con Ethercat

Home Forum SlimLine (Raspberry) Programmazione con CODESYS Utilizzo motion CODESYS con Ethercat

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  • #68065

    Utilizzando la CPU SlimLine Raspberry PI+ programmazione Codesys è fattibile la gestione Motion con relativa comunicazione Ethercat ai vari drivers?

    Sergio Bertana
    Amministratore del forum

    Non ho informazioni dirette sull’utilizzo di EtherCAT, ma riporto le informazioni rilasciate al riguardo del run time Raspberry sul sito CODESYS.

    The CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi SL runtime does not necessarily fulfill hard real-time demands because its scheduling method depends on the operating system. However, if the operating system is configured accordingly (for example as RT preempt patch), then the time behavior is adapted and the jitter times are minimized.

    Components supported by the runtime:

    • Fieldbus protocol EtherCAT: CODESYS EtherCAT Master
    • Fieldbus protocol EtherNet/IP: CODESYS EtherNet/IP scanner, CODESYS EtherNet/IP adapter
    • Fieldbus protocol ProfiNet: CODESYS ProfiNet Master
    • RS-232/RS-485-X3 (Modbus):
    • CODESYS Modbus TCP Master/Slave
    • CODESYS Modbus RTU Master/Slave
    • CANopen
    • CANopen via EL6751 Gateway
    • J1939
    • CODESYS WebVisu
    • CODESYS SoftMotion, CNC
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