Indice manuale programmazione IEC 61131-3

Questo manuale riporta l’elenco di tutte le funzioni e blocchi funzioni utilizzabili nella programmazione dei nostri sistemi. Per chi ha necessità di consultare il manuale Off-line è possibile eseguire il download di un sito mirror con il manuale completo.

1. Definizioni tipo dati

  1. TASK_ID, definizione task esecuzione
  2. VR_TYPE, definizione tipo variabili
  3. VAR_CHECK, definizione variable value check mode
  4. DI_MODE, definizione modo acquisizione ingressi digitali
  5. DO_MODE, definizione modo gestione uscite digitali
  6. AI_MODE, definizione modo acquisizione ingressi analogici
  7. AO_MODE, definizione modo gestione uscite analogiche
  8. DTR_MODE, definizione modo gestione DTR
  9. SWAP_MODE, Swap mode definition
  10. FSEEK_ORIGIN, definizione origine ricerca
  11. SPY_MODE, definizione modo spionaggio
  12. FIND_MODE, definizioni modo esecuzione ricerca
  13. CAN_SPEED, definizioni bit rate CAN
  14. SYS_ID, definizione ID di sistema
  15. PHR_INFOS_ID, ID informazioni moduli periferici
  16. DAYLIGHT_ZONE, definizione zone luce solare
  17. CHECK_TYPE, definizione tipo controllo frame
  18. TLS_MODE, definizione modo comunicazione TLS
  19. TLS_CERT_VERIFY, definizione certificazione TLS
  20. TLS_CHIPER_SUITE, definizione suite di cifratura
  21. SNMP_VERSION, definizione versione protocollo SNMP
  22. SNMP_PDU, SNMP PDU type definition
  23. SNMP_VT, SNMP variable type definition
  24. SNMP_ERROR, definizione errori protocollo SNMP
  25. MODEM_TYPE, definizione tipo modem
  26. OW_ITYPE, One-Wire interface type
  27. OW_BSTATUS, One-Wire bus status
  28. HTTP_REQUEST, definizione richiesta HTTP
  29. CO_NMT_STS, CANOpen node management status
  30. MODBUS_PROTOCOL, definizione tipo protocollo Modbus
  31. YOTTA_A1_MDEFS, definizione moduli Yottacontrol
  32. MILESIGHT_DWID, Milesight variabili in downlink
  33. FILEMDUMP_MODE, FileMemoryDump operation mode

2. Definizioni strutture dati

  1. SYSSERIALMODE, modo comunicazione porta seriale
  2. SYSCANMESSAGE, messaggio CAN
  3. LDATETIMESTRUCT, long Date/Time struct
  4. ACMODBUS_DATA, Array command Modbus data
  5. TCPDEXCHNODEDEFS, struttura definizione parametri nodo
  6. CO_ABORT, CANOpen abort data
  7. MQTT_TS_DATA, MQTT topic subscribe data structure

3. Supporto programmazione

  1. Definizione valori di sistema
  2. Gestione void pointer
  3. eToPVoid, cast value to a PVOID pointer
  4. VarVCheck, variable value check
  5. ArrayVarTxfer, array to variable transfer
  6. MemCompare, compares memory buffers

4. Funzioni ed FB standard

  1. F_TRIG, falling edge trigger
  2. R_TRIG, raising edge trigger
  3. RS, Reset/Set flip flop
  4. SR, Set/Reset flip flop
  5. TON, timer On
  6. TOF, timer Off
  7. TP, timer pulse
  8. CTD, counter Down
  9. CTU, counter Up
  10. CTUD, counter Up/Down

5. Conversione dati

  1. VBitTest, variable bit test
  2. VBitSet, variable bit set
  3. BitToByte, bit to byte conversion
  4. ByteToBit, byte to bit conversion
  5. ByteToWord, byte to word conversion
  6. WordToByte, word to byte conversion
  7. DoubleToWord, double to word conversion
  8. WordToDouble, word to double conversion
  9. VarSwap, swap variable value
  10. DWSplitBitToVar, DWMergeVarToBit, dividi e concatena variabile 32 bits

6. Libreria matematica

  1. Operazioni matematiche
  2. Operazioni trigonometriche
  3. Gestione numeri in formato floating 16 bit
  4. SunRiseSet, sunrise and sunset calculator
  5. SHA1Encryption, encrypt data with SHA1 algorithm
  6. SHA256Encryption, encrypt data with SHA256 algorithm
  7. Base64Encode, Base64 encoding
  8. Base64Decode, Base64 decoding

7. Gestione sistema

  1. Operatori gestione tempo
  2. SysTimeGetMs, returns system time in mS
  3. SysTimeGetUs, returns system time in uS
  4. SysTimeGetNs, returns system time in nS
  5. SysGetEndianness, get the system endianness
  6. SysGetRandom, get random number
  7. SysPCodeVerify, verify the protection code
  8. SysSetTaskLpTime, set task loop time
  9. SysOSIDValue, get or set an operative system variable
  10. SysGetLastError, get last error
  11. SysGetCheck, gets the check
  12. SysMAlloc, memory allocation
  13. SysWrSpyData, system write spy data
  14. SysRMAlloc, SysRMGetSize, SysRMFree, funzioni gestione memoria rilocabile

8. Gestione Data/Ora

  1. Operatori gestione Data/Ora
  2. IsLeapYear, is leap year
  3. DayOfYearGet, returns the day of year
  4. SysDateGetS, get the system date on second
  5. SysDateGetNs, get the system date on nanoseconds
  6. SysDateSetS, set the system date on second
  7. DateTimeFormat, format the Date/Time
  8. SysDateLocalize, localize date and time
  9. DateTimeToJDay, converts Date/Time to Julian day
  10. JDayToDateTime, converts Julian day to Date/Time

9. Gestione stringhe

  1. Funzioni gestione stringa
  2. Sysstrlen, string length
  3. Sysmemset, memory set
  4. Sysmemmove, memory move
  5. Systolower, converts a given letter to lowercase
  6. Systoupper, converts a given letter to uppercase
  7. SysStrFind, string find
  8. SysMemFind, memory find
  9. SysVsnprintf, variable print to string
  10. SysCVsnprintf, concat string with variable print
  11. SysVarsscanf, extracts values from string

10. Gestione terminali (Streams) di I/O

  1. SysFfopen, file open
  2. Sysfclose, file close
  3. SysFIsOpen, get the file open status
  4. SysFGetIBfSize, get file Rx input buffer size
  5. SysFGetIChars, get input available characters from file
  6. SysFIBfClear, file input buffer clear
  7. Sysfgetc, get character from file
  8. Sysfread, read data from file
  9. SysFGetOBfSize, get file Tx output buffer size
  10. SysFGetOSpace, get output available space on file
  11. SysFOBfClear, file output buffer clear
  12. Sysfputc, put character to file
  13. Sysfwrite, write data to file
  14. SysVfprintf, variable print to file
  15. SysFOBfFlush, file output buffer flush

11. Gestione file system

  1. Sysfseek, file seek
  2. SysGetFileLen, file length
  3. SysFileRename, file rename
  4. SysFileRemove, file remove
  5. SysGetFileInfos, get file infos
  6. FSFileCopy, file system copy file

12. Streams di comunicazione

  1. SysSerialPort, manage serial port
  2. SysTCPServer, accepts TCP/IP connections
  3. SysTCPClient, opens a TCP/IP connection
  4. SysUDPServer, accepts UDP connections
  5. SysUDPClient, opens a UDP connection
  6. SysGetSerialCTS, get serial CTS signal status
  7. SysSetSerialDTR, set DTR signal status
  8. SysGetSerialMode, get serial mode
  9. SysSetSerialMode, set serial mode
  10. SysGetPeerInfos, returns peer infos

13. Gestione CAN bus

  1. SysCANSetMode, set the CAN controller mode
  2. SysIsCANRxTxAv, checks if CAN Rx or Tx is available
  3. SysCANRxMsg, receives a CAN message
  4. SysCANTxMsg, transmit a CAN message
  5. CANOpenMaster, manages the CANOpen master
  6. CANOpenMNode, manages a CANOpen master node

14. Gestione periferiche

  1. SysGetPhrInfos, get infos from peripheral modules
  2. SysGetPhrDI, get peripheral digital input
  3. SysSetPhrDO, set peripheral digital output
  4. SysGetAnInp, get analog input
  5. SysSetAnOut, set analog output
  6. SysGetCounter, get counter
  7. SysGetEncoder, get encoder input
  8. SysSetPWMOut, set PWM output
  9. SysPhrVRd, read variable from peripheral module
  10. SysPhrVWr, write variable to peripheral module
  11. SysI2CWrRd, writes/reads on I2C extension bus
  12. SysDMXMng, DMX management
  13. StrainGaugeAcq, strain gauge acquisition
  14. HMIAInOnePicoface, Manages the Picoface HMI
  15. HMIAInOneNetlog, Manages the Netlog HMI
  16. HMICustomMng, manages a custom HMI

15. Libreria utilità generale

  1. BLINK, blink command
  2. BlinkValue, blink out value
  3. OnOffCycle, on/off cycle with random times
  4. Step Relay with On/Off commands
  5. Debouncing, signal debounce
  6. PWMOut, PWM output management
  7. Average, value average
  8. ValueScale, scales a value
  9. Hysteresis, manages hysteresis on a value
  10. VaPotentiometer, acquisizione potenziometro da ingresso analogico
  11. Linearize, linearize a non linear value
  12. LRamp, linear ramp
  13. PIDMng, PID management
  14. DewPointCalculator, calculates the dew point
  15. CLIServer, manages a command-line user interface
  16. CLIClient manages a command-line user interface
  17. ArrayToFString, converts a value array to formatted string
  18. FStringToArray, estracts a value array from formatted string
  19. DataTransfer, transfer data between systems
  20. DataStreamExch, exchanges data between two I/O streams

16. Libreria Modem

  1. ModemCore, modem core management
  2. ModemSMSReceive, receives SMS messages
  3. ModemSMSSend, sends a SMS message

17. Libreria gestione One-Wire

  1. OWireCore, One-Wire interface core
  2. OWSearch, One-Wire search devices
  3. OWRdIdentifier, One-Wire read ROM identifier
  4. OWRdTemperature, One-Wire read temperature

18. Libreria dispositivi I2C

  1. I2CBusManager, I2C Bus manager
  2. SHT3xAcquire, SHT3x humidity and temperature sensor

19. Libreria dispositivi Modbus

  1. MModbusFrame, Master modbus frame manager
  2. ModbusMaster, modbus master
  3. ModbusSlave, modbus slave
  4. ModbusGateway, modbus protocol gateway
  5. EastronSDM120, Eastron SDM120 energy meter
  6. EastronSDM630, Eastron SDM630 energy meter
  7. SensitSTHC102, Sensit STHC 102 thermometer acquisition
  8. MBTHLThermostat, Setecna MB-THL Thermostat
  9. InvtGD20EU, INVT GD20-EU inverter manager
  10. YottaA1MMng, Yottacontrol remote I/O modules

20. Gestione sentenze NMEA

  1. NMEASInterface, NMEA sentence interface
  2. NMEARMCSentence, Recommended Minimum sentence
  3. NMEAGLLSentence, Geographic Position sentence

21. Gestione storicizzazione dati

  1. StringToLogFile, salva stringa in un file di log
  2. FileMemoryDump, dump memory on file
  3. FIFOFile, gestisce registro FIFO su file

22. Gestione networking

  1. SysPing, execute a ping
  2. SNTPRequest, sends a SNTP request
  3. DNSRequest, sends a DNS request
  4. EMailSend, sends an eMail
  5. FTPClient, connects to a FTP server

23. Libreria protocollo MQTT

  1. MQTTClient, client for a MQTT server
  2. MQTTCBeebotte, client MQTT Beebotte
  3. MlsGateway, Milesight LoRaWAN gateway manager
  4. MlsDevice, Milesight devices data decoding

24. Libreria comunicazione HTTP

  1. HTTPClient, HTTP client
  2. RESTClient, connects to a REST web service
  3. HTTPServer, HTTP server management
  4. SysTLSClient, TLS client manager
  5. Telegram, manages Telegram messenger through web APIs
  6. JSONEncoder, encodes a JSON message
  7. JSONDecoder, decodes a JSON object

25. Libreria scambio dati tra sistemi

  1. TCPDataExchServer, TCP data exchange (Server)
  2. TCPDataExchClient, TCP data exchange (Client)

26. Libreria gestione protocollo SNMP

  1. SNMPManager, sends a SNMP message
  2. SNMPAgent, manages the SNMP Agent

27. Identificazione ed autenticazione

  1. WiegandDcd, decodes the Wiegand code
  2. RFiDMWD7xSetUp, Netronix MW-D7x RFiD reader set up
  3. RFiDMWD7xTAGRd, Netronix MW-D7x RFiD TAG read

28. Libreria crittografia AES

  1. AESEncryption, AES data encryption
  2. AESDecryption, AES data decryption

29. Libreria vending

  1. ccTalkProtocol, ccTalk protocol management

30. Libreria motion

  1. IOEncoder, incremental encoder over I/O
  2. EncoderPulses, calcolo impulsi da encoder
  3. MotorPositioning, gestione posizionamento motore

31. Libreria gestione servizi cloud

32. Suggerimenti e trucchi

  1. Accedere da Modbus al sistema
  2. Accedere alle variabili a bit
  3. Backup & restore programma PLC
  4. Aggiornamento automatico FOTA dei sistemi
  5. Espandere una variabile DWORD in 32 variabili BOOL
  6. Gestire display LCD connesso al bus di espansione
  7. Ricezione e decodifica stringa seriale
  8. Funzione ROUND, troncare digits di un floating

33. Ambiente LogicLab

  1. LogicLab passaggio da XTarget ad XUnified
  2. LogicLab migrazione progetti su versione 5.22.x.xx
  3. Come utilizzare Funzioni (F) e Blocchi funzione (FB)
  4. Documentazione non trovata

34. Appendici

  1. Come utilizzare gli esempi
  2. Utilizzare FB connesse con modello a cascata
  3. Immagine di processo I/O
  4. Segnaposti del formato printf
  5. Stringa formato della funzione scanf
  6. Protezione funzioni e blocchi funzione
  7. Come si utilizza la console di spionaggio
  8. Best practice programmazione PLC
  9. Libreria “eLLabDTimeAdjLib” oggetti Data/Ora deprecati
  10. Libreria “eLLabObsoleteLib” oggetti obsoleti
  11. Elenco errori
  12. Eccezioni di esecuzione
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